As the Gospel is proclaimed, the Good News pierces the darkness that is all too common in Haitian villages where Voodoo is still practiced.

The Voodoo priest from Neply, Haiti, told me his daughter is now a worship leader at church. He then said, “None of my children believe what I believe. All eight of them went to the mission schools and chose to follow Jesus.” The power of the Gospel changes lives forever.

Thankfully, 100% of our construction is accomplished by providing local jobs that help support families. When you help build a church, you help transform a community and change lives for eternity.

Thankfully, 100% of our construction is accomplished by providing local jobs that help support families. When you help build a church, you help transform a community and change lives for eternity.

Would you join me in prayer for the construction of two new church buildings in Haiti? To maximize their use and purpose, each church building also functions as school classrooms during the week. The total budget is $150,000 and we have already raised $85,000. Thankfully, we surpassed the 50% mark toward our goal.

The roof trusses for our churches are made by Haitian carpenters at New Missions.

The roof trusses for our churches are made by Haitian carpenters at New Missions.

With a balance of $65,000 needed for the construction of these churches, would you prayerfully consider a gift during 2018 to help us meet our goal? I believe the local church is the greatest force for good, globally. Jesus is the only hope for the world. New Missions currently has thirty churches established in Haiti.

When you give, you help make it possible for us to build new churches and schools in Haiti.

When you give, you help make it possible for us to build new churches and schools in Haiti.

I will be traveling to Haiti this December, and would be honored to deliver the great news of these projects being fully funded. New Missions operates without debt; we will only build what we can fully fund. Thank you for your special offering to help build churches and schools. ~Tim DeTellis

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