Love and Unity
// Jeanne DeTellis
Last month, my son Timothy called a meeting of our church pastors in Haiti.
I could sense their passion for worship and a covering of a sweet anointing—as in Psalm 133, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head.”
Not only did I get to greet and hug long-time pastors who have been with us since our beginning in 1983, but I saw an explosion of love and a church overflowing with pastors from areas beyond the Leogane Plain. One pastor told us he started his travels at 8:00 a.m. in order to arrive by 2:00 p.m.
Jeanne DeTellis surprised our pastors with a song on the accordion during the pastors' training seminar in Signeau, Haiti.
Our pastors enjoyed their leadership training with my sons and visiting guest pastors. They got a vision of how much stronger and blessed their area of Haiti would be if they could extend fellowship to their pastoral friends of other churches and missions. Now, not only 28 church pastors come together, but it extends to all pastors in the surrounding areas.
Remember our pastors in your prayers as together, we are preaching the Gospel, because only God changes lives forever.
They are stronger together because a cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Eccl. 4:12). Unity is just as God describes—with an anointing of overflowing oil. Be bathed in His loving anointing and be HIS powerful instrument of love. ~Jeanne DeTellis