Hurricane Matthew
// New Missions
The people of Haiti cannot afford another disaster.
As Hurricane Matthew approaches Haiti, we are ready to respond. Our mission has staff on the ground and we are receiving updates from Charlie DeTellis, who is in Haiti with his wife, Rachel and son, Nathan.
Please remember in your prayers our pastors, teachers, and nurses in Haiti. They are already in place serving children and families in their communities. We continue to say, "the local church is the greatest force of good," and right now, God has uniquely positioned us to serve the people of Haiti during this massive storm.
Our churches and schools are ready to serve children and families in Haiti. With hundreds of staff on the ground we are equipped to provide food, medical care, and spiritual help in the wake of Hurricane Matthew.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support as we continue to stay steadfast to our mission in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Serving together,
Tim DeTellis
President, New Missions
Remember our pastors and teachers in your prayers.