Graduates Reaching Youth
// Rachel DeTellis
On April 12, 2024, during a baptism service, seven youth from our Lassale church were baptized.
Many New Missions graduates are actively serving Jesus both in their churches and communities—including Lassale’s Pastor Rigal, Mirakson Virgile, and Wilson Paul—a teacher who is now the high school director. These individuals were instrumental in the students’ decisions to be baptized.
The seven young people from Lassale at the baptism with their pastor, Rigal (on right).
Two of the Lassale youth baptized were Edwilson Delmas and Monicia Jean Louis. Edwilson is 20 years old and a former New Missions student. During village evangelism, Mirakson Virgile visited his home and Edwilson felt convicted of his need for salvation—choosing to accept Christ as his Savior; his parents still practice Voodoo. Monicia Jean Louis’ life was changed through the faithful and ongoing message of the Gospel she experienced in our Lassale school. She asked her fifth grade teacher, Wilson Paul, to help her pray to receive Jesus. All seven students are grateful for the encouragement from Pastor Rigal and for the classes and discipleship they have received. We thank the Lord for all of our graduates who are reaching another generation for Christ. ~Rachel DeTellis