I Love You
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
Love is a mystery. We know we all need love to survive.
“Dwell on these three little words: I love you. ”
Our Father loves each one perfectly and unconditionally. He proved His love when He gave His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice on the cross. And Jesus, though He could see the ugliest, most vile sinner throughout the ages, says three little words, “I love you.” Whoever, wherever, no matter the class or wealth or limited faculties, Jesus loves you. When we respond to “I love you,” we don’t get death or rejection—even though we’re evil and deserve these consequences. This is the beginning of the mystery of love.
When I wake up in the morning, I first think of God. I love Him. I want to draw near to Him and feel His presence, guidance, and the love He gives freely. Then, when Ted opens his eyes, I look at him with the morning ritual greeting, “Ted, I love you.” We start our day in love and enjoy the love of each other. Ted starts his day with morning exercises to improve his back. He does the exercises in the living room where I have my piano. He gets at least one to three hymns while he is exercising. Today, the hymn that has stuck with us is, Have You Any Room for Jesus?
We have needs of housing, food, and water. But, our innermost being...created in His image...longs to love and be loved. Spouses and families give us love on earth, but the love that is of highest priority is our love for Jesus.
Corrie ten Boom tells us, “We must mirror God’s love in the midst of a world full of hatred. We are the mirrors of God’s love, so we may show Jesus by our lives.”
Ted and I have had six years and six months of marriage. We think alike, desire alike, and often say the same thoughts at the same time. We feel the mystery of love as we enjoy God, and life together, and strive to live for Him.
Ted took a young man into our home in Michigan after he returned from missionary service in Indonesia. What happy love to see this young man come home from work and to sit at our dining table. All I could exclaim was, “Caleb, I want to see the blessings of God come to you!” Caleb graduated from Michigan State University and spent two years in Indonesia as a missionary. He is experiencing a special love with a young woman, Alyssa, who also graduated from MSU and spent 2.5 years as a missionary in Cambodia. They found each other on a dating network. Alyssa is now living a half-mile from our home and teaches school. Love is designed by God, and when we love God we know love to the fullest satisfaction in a present state but with an eternal confidence.
When we respond “yes” to the invitation from Jesus to receive Him as our Savior, Jesus comes into our life and He is alive in us—giving us opportunities to burst forth with His love. Love is a mystery, and connecting spiritually with the Divine love of God gives one completeness, satisfaction, and joy without measure.
I love you. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon