Fruitful Generosity
// Rachel DeTellis
“Come, get your name in the Book of Life” was on a banner that hung on the bus that the Bire church rented for their mission trip.
Four other churches also sent groups to do ministry in different areas. Evangelism, special services, and the distribution of clothing, shoes, and food was their focus. Mark 16:15 tells us, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
Our Masson church loaded for their trip with everything needed for cooking and sleeping on the floor at the host church.
The generosity of some former students now living abroad, as well as faithful members in Haiti, helped fund their outreach programs. One church said that the same students have been helping for 10 years and that this year a member donated a bull for food. Prayer, fasting, and teaching were done in advance, and there were 172 people who participated in these mission trips. The generosity of all who contributed funds, their time, cooking, loading, organizing, and preaching was fruitful. We rejoice that 75 people accepted the Lord as Savior and four people who had backslid returned to Christ. Lives were set free from demon possession, and God’s people came back strengthened in their faith and more deeply motivated to pray. ~Rachel DeTellis