Weekly Chapel Services
// Tim DeTellis
What song are you singing today?
The sound coming from our chapel services across our school campuses is one of hope and proclaiming Jesus as Lord. A favorite song sung at chapel services is, “There is power, power, wonder working power, in the blood, of the Lamb!” The Haitians translate the word power to the word force, as this truly paints the picture for the powerful force the blood of Jesus has over our lives.
Esdras Dimanche, a high school graduate, led a time of prayer over his classmates. With Christ, all things are possible! Without a vision, the people perish…and for our students the vision we have for them is to become Christian leaders.
Naphtali and Salina attend high school together and worship together.
Naphtali and Salina attend high school together and are best friends. Chapel service is the highlight of their week, as they dress up and sit together. Growing up in an area where Voodoo is still practiced, these two represent a bright light shining in the darkness.
Music is a big part of the Haitian culture; students join together to make bands at chapel and church services.
Thankfully, our students are personally involved in hosting weekly chapel services. Wednesday is chapel day, so when it arrives on your calendar, please remember to pray for our students.
The sounds of chapel include saying out loud: “Merci Jésus” (Thank You, Jesus) and the students repeat it back.
We see the spiritual work as the most important aspect happening through our mission. The most important gift we give our students is leading them into a growing relationship with Jesus. ~Tim DeTellis