Life is Good
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
There is a song the musical group The Hoppers sing: “Life is good ‘cause God is…life is good ‘cause I’m His.”
The Bible says in Psalm 40:8, “I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.” Yes, I love life. I love God. I love His will for my life.
Life is good for me because I love life in the present for what I can do. I will be 79 years old on June 3, 2021, and my pleasures are simple, good, and plenty. Walking with no knee or hip challenges is good. Preparing healthy meals for my husband, family, and friends is good. Giving gifts of food such as homemade bread is good. Going to our home mission office in Orlando is good. Christian concerts are good. Receiving a writing assignment from our mission is good. Answering prayer requests and praying for people is good. Visiting former missionaries to Haiti and the Dominican Republic is good. Taking road trips or flying to mission events is good. Life is good, amen and amen, because God is good and I am His.
How is life good for you? I can remember a Haitian approaching Pastor George with the words, “Mwe pa bon,” translated, “I’m not good.” Pastor George’s response was, “You walk, you talk, you eat, you’re good.” The person had a greater need than walking, talking, and eating for sure.
The Bible also says that our days are numbered. An Argentinian proverb says, “From the moment you are born, death is chasing you.” Some day death will catch me, but I am determined to run faster and faster to enjoy the present life of work and purpose. As Timothy Keller succinctly says, “To die is to be with the Lord, and to live is to have the Lord with us.” Life is good!
This month, Ted and I spent five days in Houston, Texas, at the Mark Lanier Theological Library preparing for the Bible school in Haiti. Our son also invited us to attend the Timothy + Barnabas conference in Reynolds, Georgia. With each session of speakers, I felt I was receiving and responsible for the impartations spiritually and inspirationally to my life. One night I was awake in bed reviewing the words of Pastor Johnny Hunt. Pastor Johnny was challenging us to never quit and to recommit. (We must work in the present because the night is coming when we cannot work.) No one was asked to raise their hand, or stand up, or to go forward—recommitting their life to ministry. I told myself that it was not enough to remember the invitation to recommit, but I needed to get out of bed and do it. At 1:23 a.m., I went outside to the balcony of our bedroom in the cold of the night, with the golden moon hanging over the lake. I recommitted my life to work for God: wherever, whenever and whatever.
The enemy of your mind and heart is still alive to steal, kill, and destroy. But in the same passage of the Bible, we read that Jesus came to give us life abundantly, the GOOD LIFE. I am praying that you will sing, “Life is good ‘cause God is. Life is good, because I’m His.” ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon