Cooking In Masson
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
When I see the faces of Eveline Michel and Lena Lociel, our school kitchen cooks in the village of Masson, I see a halo of an anointing on their composure, smiles, and their hard-working hands.
They partner with God and New Missions as they cook to feed just over 500 children at this campus. The kitchen space is a corner of the campus with just dirt on the ground (sometimes quite muddy in rainy weather), no roof or walls—just cooking with three sets of three stones to hold three 10-gallon pots at a time. As soon as a pot is cooked, another pot is started, as there are shifts of feeding. These same two women carefully measure out the food—preparing bowls and then washing the bowls over and over again. I love their commitment to nourish our children.
It’s all part of the love of God being expressed over and over so our children can believe in a loving, providing God, and make their future one of success. When you come alongside us, you can help build a kitchen with a roof and gas stoves. All of our cooks, including Eveline and Lena, will be so thankful to not have to bend over to the ground to cook on three stones. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon