The Most Important Thing You Do Today
// George DeTellis, Jr.
Every day we have a to-do list of things we want to get done. Here in North America, we live in a culture that is entertained to death.
“Imagine that the Holy Spirit has a to-do list.”
People binge on movies and video games. They laugh about it. They talk about it. We waste time going on the internet and watching movies for six to eight hours at a time. Every day, every week, you have a to-do list. When you’re driving in your car, I want you to imagine that the Holy Spirit has a to-do list. Wherever you live, God wants to use you to reach somebody with the Good News of the Gospel.
Sometimes in the busyness of ministry, there will be a little window of opportunity that opens up during the course of the day. To plant a seed and then watch the Holy Spirit at work truly makes one realize what is important in life.
In the spring, on Good Friday, we bought two large, double-door commercial refrigerators for our ministry that weighed 450 pounds each. We could have bought them on the internet, but we would not be able to handle the job of getting them in the building. So I bought them from a local company, and they sent out three workers. Inside their truck were two shiny, brand-new, stainless steel refrigerators—strapped to the wall. They had to carry these up several steps and through a narrow door. To do that, they moved them through the door like a coffin. Then they flipped them on their back, and slowly stood them on their feet. They had all sorts of special moving equipment and techniques. I could hear them yelling at each other, and I could see the sweat running down their faces. These three men got those big refrigerators in without a scratch, put them in place, and set them up perfectly.
When we got outside, I said to them, “I respect you. I want to thank you for the work that you’ve done today. I want to buy each of you lunch.” Then I opened up my wallet and handed each of them a $20 bill. They were stunned and surprised by my generosity. Then I said to them, “Now, I want to tell you a little about my life. I am blessed to work for a large ministry, have a nice home in Florida, and a beautiful family. Today, I want to share with you my greatest possession.” I paused and looked them in the eye. Then I said, “My greatest possession is my faith in Jesus Christ. Today is Good Friday. Today, Jesus Christ was crucified and died for you!” They stopped to listen to me, and I got to share the Gospel with them. One of them was already a Christian brother. Before they left I was hugging and shaking hands with these three men. They could feel the love I had for them. After they left I looked up to heaven and said out loud, “That was the most important thing I did all day!” What will be the most important thing you do today? ~George DeTellis, Jr.