Medical Ministry
// Rachel DeTellis
I like to look through our medical clinic monthly reports to see who is utilizing our clinic.
After the 2010 earthquake, we rebuilt our new clinic in Bire—close to the main road and easily accessible to more people. Each month, many students visit our clinic and receive free care. We also refer and pay for students to get treatment at other institutions when necessary. Unfortunately, there are times when students are involved in accidents on Haiti’s dangerous roads.
Wilnes Lapeine after his surgery. He is a good student and active in his church.
Wilnes Lapeine, a 10th grade student, had no idea when he left home on June 6 that he’d be in a motorcycle accident. Wilnes had a broken leg and needed surgery. His mother is deceased and his father is absent. So his pastor, Joseph Freguins, and his wife Carmene Calixte, both teachers in New Missions schools, are his caregivers. They admitted Wilnes to the hospital but had insufficient funds. The mission paid for his surgery and medical bills, and will follow his case until it̓s closed. Thank you to all sponsors and those supporting the medical ministry of New Missions who make this possible. ~Rachel DeTellis