His Grace is More Than Enough
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
Do you know anyone who is suffering? Some people have asked, “Is God good? Is He powerful? Does He exist?”
Since sin came into the world through Adam and Eve, there is suffering.
“Oh, for grace to trust Him more!”
When Jesus was on earth, not only did He have days of miracles but He had days of suffering. The enemy was after His mind and body—scheming to defeat and destroy Him. The apostles had days of victories, but also days of suffering—even being executed by excruciating painful methods. But never could their suffering exclude the presence of a Father of mercy and grace. God is present…watching over us in the good times for sure—but we most definitely cling, and lean, and feel Him during our times of suffering.
Lately, my mother seems to be saying something over and over: “I can’t understand why he is suffering,” when speaking of my father, Charles DiPietro. Dad has an autoimmune disorder. For the past nine months, it has been destroying his skin with breakouts of boils, ulcers, and blisters—leaving part of his body skinless. Medicinal ointments are applied, but there has been little relief from the pain. Just when it appears some of the sores are healing, new blisters appear on his arms, legs, back...and just about everywhere. Why? Why this suffering? And yet I see my heavenly Father of grace and mercy watching over my dad. The whole family and village loves him, visits him, and brings him favorite foods (some even use supermarket delivery service). When I am giving him personal care, his heart is expressing gratitude as he thanks me and prays blessings over me and our family.
I know my father is living each day in victory by God’s grace. His unheard prayer is similar to how Job felt in Job 13:15, “Though He slay me, YET will I trust Him.” Dad is not walking much, and their family room now holds a hospital bed. He is still very social, and when he is not napping, I hear him praying out loud—and the room vibrates with a divine presence—much like one of the world’s greatest cathedrals.
During this season of life for my father, there are caregivers coming in and out of their home on a regular basis. Medically speaking, my dad needs to be in a nursing home. We are proud and stubborn Italians, and we three sisters are in unity—wanting dad happy at home until he takes his last breath on earth and sees Jesus. Dad would prefer one of us to be there 24/7 for him. I tried to ease his adjustment to strangers coming and going to care for him. “Dad, God is going to be sending people in and out of your home and you are going to have an opportunity to show them Jesus.” Yes, God can help you to preach louder and with more conviction when you are suffering…sharing your lot in life with humanity. Oh, for grace to trust Him more.
Perhaps you may be suffering or you share the sufferings of humanity in hearing the world news. Suffering is part of being human. But when the spiritual interacts in our suffering, our God lifts us above our suffering. Our suffering is not in vain. My parents still believe for a miraculous healing with a sweet surrender to trust…though He slay me. We are so grateful for such marvelous grace given to us by our loving Father. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon