The Sweetest Work
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
George, Jr. and Paula DeTellis were in Haiti recently photographing some amazing children to encourage child sponsorship. They asked me to go with them.
Though it was not in my original plans, I went with them. After each child was photographed, they were asked to come talk with me. I began by asking about their love for God and shared His love for them. With the younger students, it was a sweet “Oui” (yes) that they loved Jesus. To the older ones, I asked if they were saved. If their reply was uncertain, I invited them to pray to receive the Lord. There were the typical excuses, but most claimed they planned to do it some day.
George and Paula DeTellis enjoyed meeting Lucien and Lucinne Ferand (twin brother and sister) sponsored by Chris and Beth Cary. Sponsors help change lives.
Then, there were those with open hearts who said yes to receiving Christ. I found 33 students in all ready to begin their relationship with the Lord. One such girl, 12-year-old Rood Phara Jean was grieving the death of her mother. I hugged and kissed her—knowing she now has Jesus to help her through her grief.
Vilangelle Siguene, a sixth-grade-student at our Mare-Chal school, made a decision to follow Jesus.
Students from the New Missions Christian Academy in Tom Gateau pray to make Jesus Lord of their lives.
I have adhered the names of these new believers inside my Bible as a reminder to pray for them, and thanked God for the treasure of praying with these dear children.
Please join me in praying for these students. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon