High School Prayer Group
// Rachel DeTellis
Students at our high school started a prayer group on campus in 2011, and have kept it going ever since.
They call themselves Guerrier Shalom—Warriors of Peace—and meet daily during a break to pray and encourage each other. They are also responsible for planning chapel services. Presently, there are about 50 students who attend; some graduates still participate when able.
As students seek God through prayer and worship, the presence of God will make our school stronger.
At first the group met under a tree, but they now meet in the Timothy Barnabas Training Center and Bible College facility when it is available. Recently, I was blessed to attend a meeting and speak to their president, Marnot Mirthyl. He has been part of the group since seventh grade, and said that it has been a huge source of strength for him and others. He was saved while in elementary school at our Bord-Mer campus and is an active member of the Brache-Gilles church. His family still does not know the Lord. The students pray for their families, school, and nation. Pray that God will grow and strengthen this group and use it to bring many more to Him. ~Rachel DeTellis