More than Enough
// Charlie DeTellis
Over the past several months in Haiti, there has been a lack of peace due to political unrest. As Christmas approaches, my prayer is Jesus becomes more than enough for the people of Haiti.
“All I have in You is more than enough.”
For you and me, we need to find Jesus as our true peace. We can seek fulfillment in our accomplishments, possessions, and even our knowledge. However, true peace comes when we receive more than enough peace in Christ alone.
When I visit the States, I attend a home group. The home group has a worship team in which I play the drums. Many of the songs we play are new to me, but have really ministered to me. One of the songs we play is “Enough” by Chris Tomlin and the chorus goes: And all of You is more than enough, for all of me for every thirst and every need. You satisfy me with Your love, and all I have in You is more than enough. We need to remember that we are never alone and Jesus came to give us peace.
During the Christmas season we often give gifts to show our appreciation and love toward others. There are parties to attend and church services to celebrate the goodness of God’s love toward us. We come together with others and these times give us pause to focus on our relationships. In some ways, Christmas can be so busy, peace skips us by and it is easy to forget the real meaning of this season—to remember our Saviorʼs birth.
This month, may we recall the peaceful picture of our Saviorʼs birth. In a humble manger, without big fanfare and attention, Jesus, the gift to the world who was more than enough came. Immanuel, God with us. I think of the day after the birth of Christ with the sunrise bringing light and warmth. This child was God’s provision to save mankind. I know with all of my heart that Jesus is more than enough to meet all of your needs.
As I write this, I am in Haiti. The needs are great, and some days the peace that keeps me going is the sweet sounds of the churches in the villages. I hear them singing and playing their instruments because our church buildings are open and the sounds of their worship fill the air. The peace of God’s presence is more powerful than the unrest in people’s hearts who are far from God. I don’t know where you will be this Christmas, but I do know this…Jesus can meet you there. I know Jesus can meet the needs of the Haitian people and His peace can calm their fears.
Tomorrow, each of us will wake up. Some will face a new storm. Some will be walking away from one they just overcame. Some of us will be standing in a place of peace. No matter what, we can face the day even in our brokenness and allow Him to be our God, Savior, and more than enough. This Christmas, may we find the gift that is more than enough for us: Jesus. “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Merry Christmas! ~Charlie DeTellis