Come to Haiti
// Rachel DeTellis
What will I do if I join a mission team going to New Missions in Haiti?
Typically, teams are involved with distributing Christmas shoeboxes, sneakers, fifth birthday parties, and classroom and village ministry. Preaching, testimonies, and music are shared in chapel and church services. Some teams come prepared to do VBS or sports events with our school children. Recently, we had a certified CPR instructor, along with a paramedic, do CPR and first aid training with school personnel, nursing students, and even high school students. Educators have held workshops for our school teachers, and pastors have taught and encouraged the New Missions pastors. Our clinic director, Marie Chantal, has asked me to request eyeglass and dental teams to come and minister to our students and communities. Opportunities abound for you to be used by God during your time in Haiti.
Giving shoebox gifts while on a mission trip is an experience that lasts a lifetime.
First-time team members may initially be apprehensive. It doesn’t take long for those concerns to disappear and the cultural and language barriers fade. God will use your gifts, talents, and love for His glory to bless the Haitian people. You will find you are blessed abundantly in return by their faith and worship of God. ~Rachel DeTellis