Dominican Republic Update
// Heather Williams Katz
We recently celebrated National Bible Month in the Dominican Republic. While our students learn about God’s love and the Bible every day at school, special events were planned during this month.
Students memorized passages from the Bible and learned more about God’s Word. Additionally, some of our high school students participated in a Bible competition with more than 22 schools in the region. The students had to answer questions about the Bible and stories from the Bible. We are very proud of our high school students—they won first place in the competition!
Students from our school in Redemption Village celebrated National Bible Month by singing songs and reciting Bible verses they had memorized.
The Dominican Republic is the only country in the world that has a Bible on its flag. And while most Dominicans believe in God, the majority of them are not followers of Him. Our leaders are working daily to provide a Biblical education and foundation for our students. While we love teaching children the three R’s—reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic—our highest calling is to teach them about loving and following God. Please continue to pray for our pastors, school directors, and teachers as they are working to raise a generation of Christian leaders. ~Heather Williams Katz