Year End Gift
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
Some of us are blessed beyond our daily bread.
We have abundance and luxury that most of the world does not know. We have more than enough. With our financial blessing, we take care of our family—perhaps college education, or aging parents’ needs. We also can make stewardship decisions to invest in the Kingdom of God.
The school in Los Castillos is making great progress but still needs your support to complete the construction. The construction team is comprised entirely by Dominicans—providing local jobs.
Most of us are thinking of making extra financial contributions as the year closes. I would like to ask you to pray about designating a gift to help us finish the school in Los Castillos, DR.
School children will soon step into their new classrooms because of your generosity.
Together, we are raising a generation of Christian leaders thanks to your faithful prayers and support.
Children will come to a school where they will experience Christian teachers sharing the love of God and inviting them to make a decision to follow Jesus. The children’s needs will be met so that they can focus on their future, with godly guidance from their parents and the local church. We may say all that we have belongs to the Lord, but we do have the joy of making the decision to give by financially supporting the Kingdom of God. Have the joy of using your blessing today by designating your tax-deductible gift to Los Castillos construction. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon