They Obey The Word
// Jeanne DeTellis
The Haitian Christians from New Missions not only hear the Word of God, they obey the Word of God.
They are taking to heart Jesus’ message from The Great Commission (Mark 16:15), “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation,” and they’re going out into their world…the country of Haiti. This summer, nine of our churches organized mission teams of up to 40 members—with a total of 256 missionaries going out to the mountains and the plains of Haiti to preach the Gospel.
Nine of our Haitian churches traveled on mission trips across Haiti—representing 256 missionaries.
During their time on the mission trips, they did village evangelism going from home to home.
In the early days of our mission, more than 30 years ago, we needed to assess our resources for transportation and food, before planning a mission trip. Now, our Haitian believers are stronger and were able to organize these trips. They heard the voice of God and felt His guidance as to where He wanted them to go on a mission.
Our churches rented buses and "tap-taps" to travel across Haiti for these mission trips.
Along with the churches, they pooled their resources together to pay for transportation and food. They went with a strong pounding heartbeat of the love of God. Generation after generation is building the Kingdom of God in Haiti. In eternity, there will be an unimaginable celebration of our lives in Christ because God’s people hear and obey Him...and they GO! ~Jeanne DeTellis