Los Castillos Church

Right now, you have an opportunity to partner with us to plant and build a church in Los Castillos, Dominican Republic. To the glory of God, the land is already paid for. God provided miraculously!   Read more...

Enjoy this month’s New Missions Update.  May we be reminded of Jesus’ words found in John 14:6, “Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

Established in 1997 by our founders Pastor George and Jeanne DeTellis, the purpose of our Bible college is to equip and educate future leaders for churches in Haiti. Read more....

Together, we are changing lives—because each child matters to God.


Tim DeTellis

P.S. Download June’s newsletter and read what's happening now at New Missions. July Newsletter PDF

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