More Fifth Birthdays
// New Missions
Having a big sister or big brother to look up to can be a big advantage. Early in the morning, siblings begin their walk to school, and hope comes alive as they sing songs together during school chapel. Sharing these experiences together makes life better—as they bring the Biblical lessons taught at school back to their homes.
For Anna Similien, this is exactly what is taking place. Her oldest brother and sister attend high school at New Missions. Another sister, Catiana, attends the same elementary school as Anna. These siblings become encouragers and mentors along the path of learning.
Loving on our kids is the calling of our teachers. Marie Carmel Petit-Homme and Silla Fatal serve birthday cake to their students.
Our goal is to celebrate more fifth birthdays at New Missions, and rejoice in seeing God change the lives of these children.
Sitting on the front row of her class, Anna took her finger and began to taste the powered sugar topping on the birthday cake in front of her. With a big smile, she turned to her classmate on her right and said, “Li gou!” (it’s tasty). This was a happy moment for the kids celebrating their fifth birthdays at New Missions. Anna just turned five in August. This year, 622 of our students will reach their fifth birthday—thanks to the love and care of our schools and local churches. ~Tim DeTellis