Celebrating Fifth Birthdays
// New Missions
Celebrating 5th Birthdays
With half of the children in Haiti unable to attend school, the children of New Missions are considered extremely blessed. Challenges face each child starting at birth, and survival is a way of life. For our children, they are passing the survival test and are stepping forward to thrive.
On a recent trip to Haiti, I found myself in the middle of a classroom where students were celebrating their 5th birthdays. This is a milestone of victory for children living in Haiti. My brother Charlie told me, “When a child reaches five, they have proven they can survive.” For us, we want to make this possible—year after year—one child at a time.
The school nurse, Erlande, passed out birthday hats to the students attending the special party.
Stephanie Letan represents a new generation of hope for Haiti as she surpasses the age of five with flying colors.
From noisemakers to birthday hats and balloons, the school teachers and students were celebrating. I know Haitians love cake, and this 5th birthday celebration dished out chocolate cake that was tasty for sure. The day was very special—one they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.
During a time of singing, the kids were tooting their noisemakers along with the melody of the song. The energy was a representation of their new found joy in learning about Jesus. Thank you for believing in the potential of God’s precious children. I stand with you cheering them on! ~Tim DeTellis